February 8, 2022
Scout Programs Educate and Inspire Future Generations National Boy Scout Day, February 8, 2022, marks the 112th Birthday of Boy Scouts of America. Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum stewards America's first aviation battlefield to honor those who have defended our freedom, so we can educate and inspire future generations. Part of Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum's education offerings include world-class Scout Merit...
January 31, 2022
Battle-tested and war-torn Hangar 79 on Ford Island Undergoes Repairs Hangar 79, completed in 1941, bore witness to the attack...
January 12, 2022
Aviatrix's record-breaking flight from Hawaii to California Trailblazing aviatrix Amelia Earhart and Hawaii have a record-breaking history together - from...
December 27, 2021
"Rosie" Mae Krier & "Rosie" Marian Wynn The week of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the attack on...
December 10, 2021
Plucked From Lake Michigan, Displayed at Pearl Harbor Did you know the Douglas Dauntless SBD-5 currently on display in Hangar...